Helping to Improve the Literacy Lives of All Children

We are a company that helps children get “rooted in” literacy (reading, writing, oral language, listening, etc.) by providing engaging materials and services for parents, teachers, and educational organizations that improve literacy instruction and reinforce learning at home, school, and in out-of-school spaces, to support children’s overall educational experiences.

Introducing Children to
Cultural Literature

To provide culturally relevant educational products and services that engage children in rich, holistic experiences that support literacy development, improves educational outcomes, increases cultural knowledge, and encourages cross-generational interaction.

The Little Boy Helps Jesus

Superheroes or Supervillains

Neighborhood Nip

Light Up The Land

Which Subscription Works Best For You?

Help us build your child’s legacy.

1 Scholar
Standard Subscription
Full Access to our library, tools, and analytics for you & your scholar
$11.99 / Month
Full Access
1 Parent Account
1 Scholar Account
$1+ / Month
2 Scholars
Standard Subscription
Full Access to our library, tools, and analytics for you & your scholars
$13.99 / Month
Full Access
1 Parent Account
2 Scholar Accounts
$2+ / Month
3 Scholars
Standard Subscription
Full Access to our library, tools, and analytics for you & your scholars
$15.99 / Month
Full Access
1 Parent Account
3 Scholar Accounts
$3+ / Month
4 Scholars
Standard Subscription
Full Access to our library, tools, and analytics for you & your scholars
$17.99 / Month
Full Access
1 Parent Account
4 Scholar Accounts
$4+ / Month
5 Scholars
Standard Subscription
Full Access to our library, tools, and analytics for you & your scholars
$19.99 / Month
Full Access
1 Parent Account
5 Scholar Accounts
$5+ / Month
Custom Subscription
Can’t find a subscription that fits your needs? Reach out!
Whether you just have a big family or need accommodate a school district, we will work with you to find a solution that fits your needs.

Our Services

ROOTEDin provides literacy resources for teachers and families, like creative videos with rich texts and original, contemporary music soundtracks. Each video has a set of scaffolded books at various grade levels to make sure scholars can reread the texts regardless of their reading ability. Data for each scholar is provided in customized reports.  Parent resources are also available to help parents reinforce learning at home.

ROOTEDin HOPE helps provide access to literacy resources and services for ALL children. Our goal is to ensure that every child has access to materials and resources that will help them reach their full potential. We can achieve this one scholar, one classroom, one school at a time with help from members of our village who care. We connect members of the village with children, families and schools who need their help.

It takes a diverse village to educate a child. Every child should feel loved and welcome at home and school. They should be able to connect with their cultural and ethnic roots and learn about and celebrate the culture of others. 

Let’s work together to build our children’s legacy.

Let’s get ROOTEDin!

ROOTEDin HOPE is Here to Help!

ROOTEDin Hope is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established to improve the literacy lives of all children.


To provide access to engaging, culturally responsive materials and services for ALL children.


To eliminate barriers to access, such as unaffordability for children, their families, and schools.

How can you help?

Join us in the fight for access for all! Sponsor a scholar, classroom, or school today!